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Investing in people

Animated image of Ore having a conversation with someone else


I wish more people had open calendars

It’s interesting how much interactions shape our lives. I once read somewhere that we are the product of the interactions we have & I think this is very true.

As we grow older & face life’s challenges, it’s easy to think that if you’re not making a grand gesture you’re not making a difference. I’d argue that the people who have made the most impact in my life are those who took their time out to talk with me when I was feeling confused or unsure about a big next step.

As technology and the world has evolved, one thing that hasn’t changed as much is how we connect to people when we need help. Sure, social media has bridged the gap, but conversations there feel more like lounge chats whereas sometimes, you need to have a conversation without the ‘noise’.

Two months ago, I set up ask-me-anything sessions with Calendly and linked the event to my website for anyone looking to chat and dare I say, it’s done the job pretty well. Since then, I’ve been able to talk with over 20 people virtually, on topics like:

  • Transitioning into a new area with an unconventional background
  • Identifying opportunities for impact in current situations
  • Looking out for what’s next & channeling energy
  • Breaking down problems into bit-sized chunks
  • Sharing my experience

It’s easy to think impact is only realized when you make grand efforts, but I’d argue that that’s not the case. There’s someone out there who would benefit from you sharing your lived experience with them.

If you’d like to invest in people, I think your time is the most expensive but yet also, the easiest way.

Here’s how to set up your own custom session!

Stay jiggy ✨

Jan 2024 - It’s been over 3 years and have open office hours has been really great. I’m glad to have helped as many people as were willing to reach out. I’m working on an new effort that’s getting all my energy so I’m no longer able to have these calls like before but send me an email if you’re eager to speak and i’ll get back to you.